NOTE the Following How to Play Details are DRAFT ONLY and will be changing as the system is developed.
Labyrinths and Legends is a Pen, Paper, Dice and Device RPG currently focused on solo character adventuring. The Labyrinths and Legends rule set uses an app (PC, Mac, iOS) to guide your adventures while you control your character, decisions, dice rolls and record details on your character sheets.
What you'll need (Your Adventuring Equipment!)
- Pencil or other writing instrument
- Pad of Paper (Graph Paper works best for mapping)
- Dice (You will need five d4, five d6, and five d8 to start) Additional dice will be needed as you progress your character)
- Print out of the Labyrinths and Legends character sheet
- Download and Install the Labyrinths and Legends App
Learning to play Labyrinths and Legends is very simple as we have incorporated how to play directly into your first adventure. So you can jump right in get immersed and begin creating your LEGEND!
Below are some overviews of key aspects of the rules and system.
Character Creation
During your first adventure in Labyrinths and Legends the creation of your character will happen organically as you will be immediately immersed in the story. The decisions you make will develop your character and the system will let you know when and what to record on your character sheet as you go.
Character Sheet
While the Labyrinth and Legends system helps facilitate your adventure and track some things, your character sheet will be the main place to keep track of your characters, stats, equipment, inventory and overall progression. The character sheet also acts as your dashboard during the game while managing your attack, defense and skill dice pools.
View more detail on the Character Sheets Overview page. You can also download the Character Sheets from the downloads area.
As the story of each adventure module unfolds you will be presented with the story details, interactions, decisions, movement options, and of course combat. The Labyrinths and Legends apps acts like a GM and will guide you along the adventure. As you travel the world and get to specific locations (i.e villages, towns, cities or other type areas) you will be able to wander and branch out from there.
• Interact with NPCs at Shops and Tradesmen to buy, sell, upgrade and enhance items/equipment.
• Accept Quests (mini modules with a specific activity or task).
• Accept Adventures (full complete story modules)
During combat the Labyrinths and Legends app will take care of coordinating the battle while you focus on making tactical decisions. Your character has an power dice pool this pool is determined based on your characters progression and equipment. Each time you use dice to attack or defend they will be exhausted and you will only recover a certain amount each round. Combat is a constant balancing act of managing offense, defense, how much power to use and when.
While engaged in combat you never know what the universe will throw your way. There are four mechanics that can alternate the flow of your combat; Critical Hit, Misses, Efficiency and Fate.
- Critical Hit
When rolling to hit your enemies if you ever roll more than double the defense value of the target you will land a critical hit and will be able to deal double damage from your attack. Example: If the defense value of the enemy is 4 and your attack roll is 9 or higher you would deal double damage.
- Miss
If you ever roll double 1s of more on any dice rolled during an attack or defense you have missed the enemy or failed to defend. Example: If you roll and attack using 3 six sided dice and you roll a 2, 1, 5 the entire attack is a miss.
- Efficiency
If you ever roll the max value on any die during an attack or defense you have been efficient and do not need to exhaust that die. The die can remain in the power dice pool for use on your next combat round. Note: Even during a Miss any max value die will remain in the dice pool. Example: If you roll and attack using 3 six sided dice and you roll a 2, 1, 6 the die you rolled a 6 on will remain in the power dice pool and the other two dice will be exhausted.
- Fate
Some items come with a Fate ability that provides a specific pattern of dice that if exactly rolled will trigger the special effect. Example: If a piece of Armor you have says FATE (Defense): 5+/6+ Heal for 1d6 … then if you roll at least two dice and the value of one dice is 5 or greater and the value of the second dice is 6 or greater then you would heal for 1d6.
General Skill Checks
During your adventure you will need to make skill checks in certain situations. Skill checks will be done using your skills dice pool and your specific skill stats. There are two different types of skill checks that provide a variety of challenge.
- Target Number Skill Check
This skill check will have a specific number you will need to roll above or below for the skill check. Example: Perception 5+ You would need to roll 5 or greater using your skill dice or Dodge 5- You would need to roll 5 or less.
- Pattern Skill Check
This skill check will have a specific pattern you will need to roll. Example: Using 3 skill dice and a single roll a 2,4,6 or With 3 sequential rolls using 1 dice get 2+ 3+ 4+
Special Skill Checks
During your adventure you will need to make special skill checks for Searching, Lock-picking, Trap Detection and Trap Disarming.
- Searching
For each Searchable area you will roll your base dice (2 dice) and set the initial search number. Once the initial search is done (by clicking the Search button) you will be then be able to make adjustments based on your search skill actions and continue to search. Be careful though the more you search the more noise you can make and attract unwanted attention. If you find any loot when searching it will automatically pop open a window and show you what you found.
- Lock-picking
For each lock tumbler in the lock you will roll one base die and set the number for the tumbler (box). After a tumbler is set you can use your lock-picking skill actions to adjust numbers. If you hit the right range for each tumbler the lock will open.
- Trap Detection/Disarming
When detecting traps you will roll your base dice (2 dice) and set an initial detect value. Once the value is set you will be able to see how far off you are from detecting a trap, and using your trap detection skill actions you'll be able to continue trying to detect a trap. Once you find a trap you will be able to try to disarm the trap using your disarm trap skill actions.